TRI-CITIES ULTREYA UPDATE Our December Ultreya was held on the 15th at Trinity Lutheran in Midland, with 23 in attendance. Our speaker was Carol LaMothe and her topic was "The Meaning of Christmas". Being overwhelmed can cause us to forget the true meaning. Being able to open our hearts and fully trusting God is our goal. Jesus grew up and lived just the way we did; He totally understands whatever situation we face. If you find yourself with no plans for Christmas and/or are alone, spend time with Him and your relationship together.
Our question was:
What does Christmas mean to you?
Our next Ultreya is January 19, 2024, location to be determined. We need speakers and locations for ALL of next year, so please contact one of us.
God Loves You and So Do We, Kristin Boetefuer and Jean Barta
MONROE ULTREYA UPDATE Thank you, everyone, for your encouragement and prayers for our inaugural kick off Ultreya on December 8th!
There were 20 people in attendance and our 4th Day Speaker was Ike Smith. We were blessed to have George Widiger help with the guitar music. It was kind of him to make the trip from Midland to Monroe.
Our next Ultreya is January 12, 2024 at 7pm at Grace Lutheran Church, 630 North Monroe Street, Monroe Michigan. The 4th day speaker is Ryan Cunningham. It would be wonderful to have a speaker from the Tri-Cities area speak at one of our upcoming Ultreyas, so spread the word!
God Loves You and So Do I, Kris Crammond