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Updated: Jan 23

Someone very special has a birthday celebration coming up……guess who?

I’ll give you a’s December 25th! He is timeless so it’s safe to say that He hasn't aged a bit.

He wasn’t born into a wealthy family. In fact, He was born in a barn. He was loved by many and despised by many as well. Word has it that He had really “Good News” to share with the world. Because of that He intended to do a lot of traveling.

So, He decided He would take twelve good buddies along with Him. Of course, He knew them before they knew Him. He handpicked them one by one as He ventured out. I love how He chose to do that!

As it turns out, He was a great cook and knew things like how to stretch a meal to feed thousands. Some say He even made some of the finest wine for a special event. He has a great sense of humor, full of love for mankind and was willing to put His life on the line for everyone. That’s one incredible person!

He is a healer, teacher, brother, friend. He is wise, kind, patient, loving, and forgiving. The list is simply endless. If you want to know more about His character and to get to know him better, I invite you to take a peek at the book of Matthew.

Oh, but there’s more! Most importantly was the message that He shared as He traveled...which was that He came not to live a glamorous life, acquire riches and have a great time, oh, no not at all. His news was bittersweet. He knew that that because of the sin in our world we could not save ourselves. He was sent by His Father to share with us the “Good News” that He came into the world to take on our sin and be a ransom for each of us.

That priceless gift of His willingness to be born in a manger and take our sins to the cross, no matter what the sin is or how many there are, has allowed us the promise that we can have eternal life with Him. That also makes Him OUR SAVIOR! King of Kings, Lord of Lords!

All we have to do is to accept his “Good News” and open our hearts to Him. It’s just that simple. That’s pretty cool, don’t you think?

That is certainly something to celebrate on December 25th. I for one am humbled, thankful and eternally grateful that He chose me to be a part of His family! How about you?

By now you know that I am talking about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the beloved Son of God. Brothers and Sisters, as we celebrate the season of Christmas, I am praying that we all take time to reflect on His love and the reason for this joyous season called “Christmas”.

May God bless each of you with a very Merry CHRIST-mas!

God loves you and so do I!

Nancy Walk, Palanca Chairperson

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