A very wise person once told me that if you have the right tools, you can do just about anything. Having the right tools is key to a successful outcome.
Most people have some sort of toolbox that they can use for the project they are going to work on. For the gardener it would be gardening tools. For the mechanic it would be mechanical tools. For the DIY person it might be an assortment of tools depending on the project.
Maybe your toolbox is one that simply has the basics needed “just in case you need them” to make a minor repair. Or maybe you have a completely stocked workshop. Having said that, a toolbox can come in many shapes and sizes. It’s your friend when you need it.
How about your spiritual toolbox? What’s in that? Do you have an assortment of spiritual tools set aside “just in case you need them” or do you keep your spiritual tools close by because you use them daily?
Recently one of the topics of discussion my reunion group had was, “What tools are we using to strengthen our walk with God?” On the day we met all of us showed up with our Pilgrims Guides as one resource. We don’t usually bring them when we meet; however, that day we did, and we had a wonderful discussion about its value. From the beautifully written prayers of worship, confession and petition, to of course page 42 where we find the “Come Holy Spirit” prayer.
We all agreed that the examples of ways to apply Piety, Study and Action found in it are great tools. The entire book is filled with pages of tools to guide us in our spiritual walk, and to help us to grow strong in our faith. Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (A verse found in the Pilgrims Guide Booklet)
The difference between the toolboxes we have just in case we need them to build or fix something and our spiritual toolboxes is that we do need to use our spiritual tools daily to continue to grow our faith and effectively be the witnesses that God has called us to be in our environments. Unlike our other toolboxes, our spiritual toolboxes are what help to keep us spiritually healthy and strong.
The Pilgrim’s Guide is just one example of the many resources that can help us grow in our faith walk. Whatever spiritual tools you may have, my prayer is that God strengthens and blesses you richly on your journey as you use the tools in your toolbox.
God loves you and so do I!
Nancy Walk
Palanca Chairperson