TRI-CITIES ULTREYA UPDATE The January Ultreya was held on January 19th at Peace Lutheran Church in Saginaw with 34 people present. Josh Burkhard, our 4th day speaker, based his talk on the Parable of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15. Josh related his concerns when his son decided to join the Navy and the joy when he returned. He also discussed the oldest son from the parable and his reaction.
Our questions were:
How do we see the parables characters’ personas in our personal lives, our fellowship, and in our congregations?
Have we, or our faith family ever had a close friend, family member, or member of the congregation go their own way, maybe leaving a trail of destruction or broken relationships behind? How did that leaving affect individuals and the community/faith family?
If the opportunity came, was the individual welcomed back with open arms, like the father in the parable, willing to celebrate their return? Or, was the response like the oldest brother, standing firm and turning a back to those that were once estranged?
EXTRA CREDIT QUESTIONS: How welcoming am I, inside and outside the Church? Would I run in joy to see someone return of whom I know had fallen away or left a trail of hurt on their way out of fellowship?
EXTRA CREDIT QUESTION: How welcoming is my church? Do I, or does my church go out of the way to make people feel welcome?
EXTRA CREDIT QUESTION: Do I tend to read myself into the scriptures when I study? How might this scriptural perspective help or hinder my piety, study, and action?
Our next Ultreya is February 16, 2024, location to be determined. We need speakers and locations for ALL of next year, so please contact one of us.
God Loves You and So Do We, Kristin Boetefuer and Jean Barta
MONROE ULTREYA UPDATE Despite having a wet, snowy, cold evening, 12 people were in attendance at January's Ultreya. Two people were first time participants. The music was great and our fourth day speaker was Ryan Cunningham. We had a Grace-filled evening!
Our next Ultreya is Friday, February 9, 2024 at 7pm at Grace Lutheran Church, 630 North Monroe Street, Monroe Michigan. The 4th day speaker is Amanda Holliday.
God Loves You and So Do I, Kris Crammond