Ultreya was held June 16th at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Saginaw, with 19 people present. Dan Couveau was our 4th day speaker and his topic was "Who We Are". We have all been through the fire and all have masks that we put on to hide behind.
Our group questions were:
What are you hiding from others that is in your heart? What do you struggle with that God needs to heal? Hurt, gossip, greed, anger, unforgiveness, doubt?
If you died on the way home, you never make it home. What have you left undone for God? What person have you not shared forgiveness with? Who have you wronged that you can't make it right with? Who does not know how proud or how loved they are by you? Who have you not shared the good news of Christ with that will be lost because you are gone?
We look forward to seeing you at our next Ultreya on July 21st at Resurrection Life Church in Midland.
God Loves You and So Do We, Kristin Boetefuer and Jean Barta