TRI-CITIES ULTREYA UPDATE March Ultreya was held the 15th at St. Mark Lutheran Church in Saginaw with 30 people in attendance. Our 4th Day Speaker was Melody Curry and her talk was titled "Making Disciples of All Nations." She gave a presentation of her recent mission trip to India with the 10/40 (latitude and longitude) areas, of which 42% of the people are unreached so far. Acts 1:8 and Matthew 28:19-20 were references. God is with them and "in" them to be His witnesses. Our questions were:
How has God used you in missions in the past AND/OR do you think He might be calling you to be involved in the future (pray, give, or go)?
Is your church supporting missionaries in the 10/40 window? If not, how might you encourage your church to get involved?
Our next Ultreya will be April 19th at Midland Evangelical Free Church. Jessica Gillespie, a member of the Women's #98 Team, will be our 4th day speaker.
God Loves You and So Do We, Kristin Boetefuer and Jean Barta
MONROE ULTREYA UPDATE The Monroe area Ultreya was held Friday, March 8, 2024. We had a great turnout with 26 attendees from southeast Michigan and the many long distance champions from the Tri-cities area. Katie Patterson shared her fourth day experiences. We had wonderful discussion groups and conversation. Good fellowship, worship, praise, and food throughout the evening kept things moving smoothly.
Our next Ultreya is April 12, 2024 at 7pm at Grace Lutheran in Monroe. Pastor Tim LeClair from Family of God Church in southwest Detroit will be our 4th day speaker.
God Loves You and So Do I, Kris Crammond