Our September Ultreya was held on the 29th at Midland Reformed Church in Midland with 67 people in attendance. Our speaker was Ike Smith and his talk was titled "Victory In The Valley." Bible references were John 14:26 and Revelation 3:20. God makes a way to mend broken hearts. We need to open doors and let Christ in. The Holy Spirit will be with us to share with those in need.
Our question was:
What have you done lately to bring someone to Christ?
Our next Ultreya will be October 20 at Midland Reformed Church and Bonnie Randall will be our 4th Day Speaker. Please come and welcome your new cursillistas from Women's Weekend #97, that will have just wrapped up a couple weeks prior.
Hope to see you there!
God Loves You and So Do We, Kristin Boetefuer and Jean Barta