Interested In Serving On Team?
Click here to complete the Interest In Participating survey. You can indicate your interest in serving on team, cooking on a weekend, using your musical talent, being a church contact, or taking the team photo on a weekend. Completing this survey is a great way to increase your chance of being called to serve on a weekend!
NOTE: Please complete this survey even if you are not interested in serving on team. This will save future Rectors and Rectoras time making unnecessary calls
Be A Church Contact
One of the best ways to grow the LVCCM movement is by promoting it within our home churches. Do you know there are over 400 churches represented within LVCCM? That's a plentiful harvest! Indicate your interest in being a church contact via the Interest In Participating survey
Sponsor A Candidate
The max number of candidates LVCCM can have on any weekend is 42. We haven't had that level of attendance in a long time, but let's make that a goal for Weekend 100 and watch God work!
Volunteer To Take The Team Photo On The Weekend
Each weekend requires someone to take the photo Saturday morning, during the Abrazo message. No special skills are required, so if you aren't afraid of heights and can climb a ladder to take a panoramic photo of the team/candidates, you could bless the weekend in this way! Indicate your interest in being a weekend photographer via the Interest In Participating survey
Want To Share Your Testimony From Your Weekend?
God moves in mighty ways each weekend, and each person's experience varies greatly. If you have a testimony that you'd be willing to share, contact Angie Wood at lvccmnewseditor@gmail.com or 989-600-2842 for more info
Serve As Community On A Future Weekend
Community is a tremendous blessing on the weekend! There are many needs, like praying in the community chapel, helping serve a meal, volunteering in the kitchen, making palanca for team/candidates, helping with setup/teardown, and attending the sendoff, closing, and serenade. Watch LVCCM emails and Facebook page for upcoming weekend needs
Engage with LVCCM Communication Outreach
LVCCM has an active Facebook page, with 481 members. We share a lot of information about upcoming weekends on this page. Join the page by clicking here
LVCCM sends 2 emails to community each month. If you or someone you know aren't currently receiving these emails and would like to, contact Angie Wood at lvccmnewseditor@gmail.com or 989-600-2842 to get signed up
Keep Your Contact Information Updated
The LVCCM Information Chair manages contact info for the nearly 4500 LVCCM Community. If your contact info changes (address, phone number, email, church), contact Ryan Wood at lvccminfo@gmail.com or 989-802-2897 with these changes, or complete the Update My Contact Information survey by clicking here
God Loves You and So Do I!
Angie Wood
LVCCM News Editor